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导读 Dutch造句not…anymore造句子send造句表示送给upset例句简单poke造句upstairs造句:1、After a whole day's work, he walked upstairs with a ponderous, lumbering gait... ...

upstairs造句:1、After a whole day's work, he walked upstairs with a ponderous, lumbering gait

upstairs 基本解释 副词在楼上,往楼上; 在高空 形容词楼上的 名词楼上 upstairs 反义词 upstairs什么意思 形容词downstairs upstairs在线翻译 upstairs 相关例句 副词 1. The

u p s t a i r s ji ben jie shi fu ci zai lou shang , wang lou shang ; zai gao kong xing rong ci lou shang de ming ci lou shang u p s t a i r s fan yi ci u p s t a i r s shen me yi si xing rong ci d o w n s t a i r s u p s t a i r s zai xian fan yi u p s t a i r s xiang guan li ju fu ci 1 . T h e . . .

upstairs用作副词时意思是“在楼上,往楼上”。 upstairs常修饰动态动词,在句中可用作状语(常置于句末)或表语。 upstairs无比较级和最高级形式。 upstairs用作

副词upstairs: on a floor above 同义词:up the stairs, on a higher floor with respect to the mind 同义词:in the head, in the mind 例句 They tiptoedupstairsso as not

复数:upstairs; 实用场景例句 全部 在楼上 往楼上 楼上的 楼上 The cat belongs to the people who liveupstairs. 这猫是楼上人家的。 牛津词典 I carried her bagsupstairs

upstairs造句有: 1.I heard someone going upstairs.我听到有人上了楼。 2.She lives upstairs while her sister lives downstairs.她住楼上,她妹妹住楼下。 3.Please go and

We went to her warm , comfortable room upstairs . 我们来到她楼上温暖、舒适的房间。 His studio was a smallish upstairs bedroom ; it didn 't even have an easel . 他把画室安排在楼上一间

百度试题 结果1 题目用upstairs 造句. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 upstairs 有两个词性:1.adv.向楼上,在楼上,上楼2.adj.楼上的He went upstairs to go to bed.他上楼去睡觉

